经校外事处安排,信息学院邀请了爱尔兰Dundalk Institute of Technology的访问学者Colin Cooney先生于本周五(6.15)下午两点,在信息学院303教室举办讲座。讲座题目是:From virtual community to brand community。欢迎各位老师同学参加。
Mr. Colin Cooney is a lecturer in Dundalk Institute of Technology,Ireland. He graduated fromDublinUniversitywith a Bachelor of Commerce, an MBS specializing in Management Information Systems (MBS) and a Graduate Diploma in Computer Science. He is presently the examiner for one of the Irish Accountancy Bodies in the area of Management Information Systems. Finally, he is also director of an Irish web development company, specializing in high-end content management websites as well as e-assessment solutions for government educational organizations.